Nicer, Newer, Friendlier, CLEANER


Cleaner Buses = More Comfortable Travel

Cleanliness is next to… Well, you know how it goes. At Salt Lake Express, we take clean seriously. That’s why we’ve included it as part of our theme for 2022. We sincerely believe that the cleaner your environment is, the more comfortable you are, especially while traveling domestically and abroad. It can make the biggest difference when you are spending hours on a bus. Cleanliness offers peace of mind as well as just allowing for you to relax physically in a space that you may not be widely considered the most comfortable.

Nicer, Newer, Friendlier, CLEANER

Our theme for 2022 has sprung us into action to deliver the best possible experience for our riders. The first part that we’re focusing on is being cleaner, which we have put an extra emphasis on since March of 2020. We have always taken great pride in how clean we keep our buses, stops, and offices, but clean took on a whole new meaning once COVID entered our lives. Now we like to show our riders just how seriously we have taken the call to clean and sanitize every part of our buses, as well as often providing you with your own sanitary wipes to clean your area for extra assurance. Our biggest hope is that you are able to see all of the ways that we’re improving the cleanliness of our buses and stops!

Going The Extra Mile

It wasn’t just enough for us to offer hand sanitizer to our riders, we needed to make it crystal clear that we have taken this very seriously. As we mentioned earlier, we have always taken immense pride in the cleanliness of our buses. However, you, our riders, may not have always been able to see the effort that we have made. Now, we’re cleaning the buses between every leg as well as at the end of each day. We wipe down and disinfect surfaces, handrails, arm rests, you name it. We also clean and buff the outside of our buses so that they always look clean and sharp. At the end of the day, we mean it when we say that our riders are our number one priority. We have all experienced travel situations that were less than ideal making our trips uncomfortable. Our goal here at Salt Lake Express is that you never have an experience like that on one of our buses. And as always, we’re very open to feedback so we’d love to hear about your experiences, good or bad, and learn from them.