Take a Shuttle to St George for the Holidays

Take a shuttle to St George for the holidays.
We would love to highlight the many great things to do in St. George all in one place. How nice would it be to have a one-stop blog for everything St. George? Of course, anyone who has been here knows that there is simply way too much to do in St. George to cover everything in one blog or even one trip. Even around the holidays, this city comes to life. And even though many of the holiday events have passed, there is still plenty to do to justifying taking a shuttle to St George for the holidays. Here are a few of the things you still have yet to do in St. George this holiday season.

Take a shuttle to St George to see the many events happening at Tuacahn.

Fairy Tale Christmas

Head on over to Tuacahn Canyon for a new holiday musical, written by M. Scott and Michael Mclean. “Fairy Tale Christmas” is a humorous, enjoyable play for the whole family and involves familiar fairy tale villains kidnapping Santa Claus. Why? You’ll have to go check it out at the Indoor Hafen Theater to know their nefarious purposes. This play runs Mondays through Saturdays at 7:30 pm with matinee shows at 4 pm on Friday and Saturday, through December 23rd. Be sure to head over soon! Once Christmas ends, so will this new and fun fairy tale. You can purchase tickets here.

Christmas in the Canyon

When you’re not enjoying the thrill of a fairy tale on stage, you’ll feel like you’re in one anyway as you walk through Tuacahn. Every year, St. George puts on their Christmas in the Canyon every Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. This free event includes a holiday train ride and music, a live Nativity at 7 and 8 pm, visits with Santa Claus from 6:30 to 9 pm, and, of course, tons of holiday lights. Truly, you haven’t seen the canyon at its most beautiful until you see it all lit up with twinkling holiday lights. This is definitely something to check out while in town.

Plaid Tidings

This special holiday edition of Forever Plaid comes to Brigham’s Playhouse and like the appearance of Santa Claus is a treat to the region of St George. Enjoy classic holiday tunes in four-part harmony, the group’s hilarious backstory, and, of course, their impeccable taste in plaid. Swing by Washington City for to catch a performance, which will happen Thursdays through Saturdays (7 pm each night with a 2 pm Saturday matinee) through December 30th.

Take a shuttle to St George to be with family and friends for the holidays.

Visit Family & Friends

Holidays are about loved ones, and perhaps there is no better reason to take a shuttle to St George than to spend time with yours. If they’re locals, they’ll know all the fun things to do, including what we have already listed. But no matter what you do, we are happy to have brought you this far. These are the holiday memories that you will cherish forever, and we are honored to be part of that. Jump on a shuttle to St George with St George Express, and have a very Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

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