Departure times for shuttle locations
We suggest that you be at the departure location 10-15 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time. We reserve the right to depart locations on time to avoid shuttle delays.
Allow enough time at the airport
Airports and airlines request that you be at the airport 2 hours before your scheduled departure time for domestic flights and 2-3 hours for flights outside the United States. This suggested time allowance will vary with time of day, season, weather and airport security level. You may need more time during peak travel periods. Airlines reserve the right to close the doors to the aircraft up to 20 minutes prior to their scheduled departure. The airlines departure time means DEPARTURE TIME – not boarding time. After everyone has boarded the aircraft, it requires another 15 minutes before they finish their checks and depart. Part of the airlines concern is that you allow enough time to get to the airport. You must also take into account possible shuttle delays. We strive hard to be on-time, and are always looking at ways to maintain a good “on-time record,” however, there are many things that can delay the shuttle. (See “Terms & Conditions” – #18) Salt Lake Express cannot guarantee any times any more than the airlines are able to guarantee times. Nearly all missed flights have resulted when passengers have allowed less than one (1) hour at the airport. Be a smart traveler by allowing enough time.
Shuttle luggage space
We plan on a reasonable amount of luggage on each shuttle. If you will have more than two (2) suitcases and a carry on, you need to call the office to make sure we will have room. If you show up with more than this, we will accept it on a space available basis. Also, you may be charged $10.00 per suitcase or box over the two (2) suitcases allowed. For example, if you would like to bring your bicycle, we just need a minimum of 24 hours advance notice and as mentioned previously, there will be an additional $10.00 fee.
Pickup/Drop-off at other locations
If you desire to make a reservation to/from a location that is not listed on the website, please call the office to make sure it is available. To help keep our shuttles “on time” we need to manage “extra stops.” Also, there is an additional stop charge for any stop that is not listed and this charge may vary. If you make your reservation online and put in the notes that you want a different stop, that request will not be honored until you contact the office, make arrangements, and pay any additional fee.